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Empowering transformation from the body to society

Welcome. I'm Em Wright. I offer coaching, education, and social design services using somatic methods and a liberation framework.

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Hi, I'm Em

My purpose is to empower people to reconnect to their authentic self and bring that into transformative action. I believe that if everyone is embodying their innately whole, loving, and creative self in mutual relationship and purposeful action, then collective liberation, climate repair, and systemic change becomes not only possible, but inevitable.


My queer and genderqueer (non-binary) identities are core to my approach to systems change. To me, queerness invites us to do what Rilke calls "living the questions"—befriend the experience of not knowing and find meaning, purpose, and even a path in the undefined expanse that is life.  


I live and work on the lands of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present. I honor with humility and gratitude the land, water, and the Duwamish Tribe. This acknowledgement is one part of my practice of accountability as a White settler of mixed European descent toward decolonization and  Duwamish self-determination.


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Em Wright
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© 2024 by Em Wright


I live and work on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and I honor with humility and gratitude the land, water, and the Duwamish Tribe. Learn more about the Duwamish and become a Real Renter at


This website is an expression of the current constellation of my work. It is made and shared with love, vulnerability, levity, and an understanding that it will always be a work in progress as things emerge in real-time. 

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